Gekko Geko / May 2023 (154 Words, 1 Minutes)
Usefull docker stuff
- Docker ELK Stack
- Docker Image Analysis
- Docker Image Update Notifier
- Docker TOR Service
- Elastalert
- Harbor
- Lazydocker
- Linux server
- Nginx Proxy Manager
- Offensive Docker
- Portainer
Docker ELK Stack
Run the latest version of the Elastic stack with Docker and Docker Compose.
Docker Image Analysis
A tool for exploring a docker image, layer contents, and discovering ways to shrink the size of your Docker/OCI image.
Docker Image Update Notifier
Docker Image Update Notifier is a CLI application written in Go and delivered as a single executable (and a Docker image) to receive notifications when a Docker image is updated on a Docker registry.
Docker TOR Service
Docker compose for a tor hidden service
ElastAlert is a simple framework for alerting on anomalies, spikes, or other patterns of interest from data in Elasticsearch.
Harbor is an open source registry that secures artifacts with policies and role-based access control, ensures images are scanned and free from vulnerabilities, and signs images as trusted.
A simple terminal UI for both docker and docker-compose, written in Go with the gocui library.
Linux server io
A group of like-minded enthusiasts from across the world who build and maintain the largest collection of Docker images on the web, and at our core are the principles behind Free and Open Source Software.
Nginx Proxy Manager
This project comes as a pre-built docker image that enables you to easily forward to your websites running at home or otherwise, including free SSL, without having to know too much about Nginx or Letsencrypt.
Offensive Docker
Offensive Docker is an image with the more used tools to create an pentest environment easily and quickly.
The most popular container management platform in the world.